Principal's Corner

Osan Middle High School Stakeholders,

I am delighted to be part of the Osan Middle High School community as your principal. My job is to lead, listen, inspire, motivate, model, and move all stakeholders of our school to reach their full potential. Osan Middle High School is known as a premiere Department of Defense School and I am excited to lead the team that will refuse to accept anything less than excellence from our learners.

Together we will educate, engage, and empower our learners and leaders to be successful in our dynamic global environment and world. I am excited to get to know each of our students, staff, and stakeholders in the coming months as we work together to ensure a school climate that is standards based, data driven, and student focused.

I want to ensure we are all working succinctly together to maintain an environment in which students, and their achievement, are our number one priority. As we move forward together I want you to understand I sincerely appreciate your input on all matters. As a team we can accomplish anything.

I look forward to getting to know and working with each of you as we travel together on this journey. I assure you I will listen intently in the coming months so we can move forward together. I hope this plan brings clarity to my priorities and plans as I transition to Osan Middle High School. While I will do my best to stick to this timeline it is only projected and may change. As we work together your input on all matters is appreciated.

I am so proud to call Osan my home and I look forward to working with each of you.

If I can ever be of assistance please do not hesitate to reach out.

Once again, I look forward to meeting and working with each of you this school year.

Go Cougars!

Osan Middle High School

Marcita Ekeh DoDEA Official Photo

Dr. Marcitia Ekeh

UNIT 2037
Osan AB
APO, AP 96278-0005
United States

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